Work with me

Lasting change doesn’t happen by accident.
It takes intention, openness, and curiosity.


I partner with people and teams who are ready to explore new ways to be, both at work and in life. We’ll work together from the inside out to ensure the shifts you make come from what’s really important to you and your organization. I believe that’s the surest path to living in a more aligned, successful, and joyful way.

When is the right time to hire a coach?

Here are a few of the most common scenarios I see in my practice:

• You’ve just taken on a new or expanded role and need to level up
• A leader on your team is struggling to influence the business or connect with their team
• You’re completely burned out and it’s impacting business results and your mental health
• A leader in your company needs to get out of the weeds and start performing as an executive

How we can work together

  • Individual Coaching

    I’ll work with you one-on-one as a trusted partner who listens deeply to help you identify the core issues that are holding you back from achieving your goals and living your most inspired life. You’ll learn how to get out of “survival mode” and discover the small shifts that can have a huge impact on your career and your life.

    Here’s what a typical engagement looks like:

    • A foundational session to set the stage for coaching

    • A 360-assessment to ground us in the current state of things

    • Six months of bi-weekly one-on-one coaching sessions

    • Unlimited spot coaching between sessions

    • Check-ins with direct manager or chief people officer where applicable

  • Team Coaching

    Everyone brings a different style and energy to a team. Usually, those differences are a catalyst for high performance. But if you’re having challenges, I can work with your team together—and individually—to minimize friction, improve trust and communication, and create a shared vision everyone feels excited to rally around.

    Here’s what a typical engagement looks like:

    • Assessments of both the organization and the team members

    • Off-sites to foster greater connection and speed up results

    • Ongoing meetings to provide accountability and targeted support

  • HR Consulting

    I worked for years in HR, so I have a deep understanding of what an organization needs to help their people thrive.

    Here’s how I can work with your org:

    • Act as an interim CPO

    • Coach new HR executives to get them ready to lead

    • Leadership & management training

    • Custom design your company’s employee experience, culture, mission, and values

    • Host wellbeing, resilience and mindfulness programs

    • Lead diversity and inclusion initiatives

“Miranda offers insightful and gentle coaching that has influenced our entire company's work culture to being more thoughtful and collaborative. We are all better leaders now.”

Andy LoPilato, CEO Pavement Coffeehouse

Want to know more about working together?


Let’s get on a call to talk about your goals
and see if we’re a good fit.