About Miranda

Hi, I’m Miranda.

I’m passionate about helping people see their innate wisdom, lead with confidence and ease, and achieve their goals in all areas of their lives.

I love the creative art of coaching, and I’m grateful to get to witness the moments when something shifts for my clients, limits fall away, and they achieve what had previously seemed out of reach.

I believe that there’s a ripple effect that happens when someone gets good coaching. They take their learnings and share them with their teams, their families and their communities. A true virtuous circle.

Before becoming a coach, I worked for years in corporate HR and leadership development. My past roles include being head of HR at Rodale, Inc, VP of People for Pret A Manger, and 10 years in HR leadership at Starwood Hotels & Resorts.

This experience, combined with my decade of being a certified yoga, meditation, and mindfulness teacher, means I have a unique skillset to help you or your teams step into new opportunities and challenges with curiosity, optimism and ease.

I so welcome the opportunity to work with you.

Learn more about me on LinkedIn.

The short story.


• 30 years of corporate HR and leadership 

• Executive coaching certification from the Hudson Institute of Coaching

• ACC designation from the International Coaching Federation

• 10 years of experience teaching yoga, meditation, and mindfulness

• I like to be outside in nature as much as possible hiking or practicing yoga 

• Cooking a creative dinner (glass of wine in hand) with my partner and hosting friends for a beach picnic are two of my weekend favorites