Learn to lead with confidence, clarity, and ease.


Meet Miranda.

With 30 years of corporate HR leadership experience, I practice a whole-person approach to leadership coaching. When we work together, I’ll help you connect to what is most important so you can unlock your greatest potential, develop new skills, improve your relationships, and craft a successful career of meaning and purpose.

Let’s work together.

  • Individual Coaching

    I’ll work with you one-on-one as a trusted partner who listens deeply to help you identify the core issues that are holding you back from achieving your goals and living your most inspired life. You’ll learn how to get out of “survival mode” and discover the small shifts that can have a huge impact on your career and your life.

  • Team Coaching

    Everyone brings a different style and energy to a team. Those differences are a catalyst for high performance. I can work with your team together—and individually—to minimize friction, improve trust and communication, and create a shared vision everyone feels excited to rally around.

“Miranda is able to get to the heart of what people really need to know in order to not just succeed, but to find joy.”

Maria Rodale, author and former CEO, Rodale Inc.